Each residential unit in the city of Venice is entitled to two weekly solid waste collections of an unlimited quantity of household garbage for a monthly fee of $9.56. This charge is included on the resident’s water/sewer bill. A residential unit is a single-family home, a mobile home or a condominium unit. A duplex would be considered two units. Residents can put out for collection an unlimited quantity of properly prepared solid waste on the curb for collection on each of their two collection days. Here are some tips for preparing garbage for collection: Use 35-gallon or smaller cans with tight fitting lids, weighing no more than 40 pounds. Cans must not be stuffed, but should be free flowing. Use securely tied bags strong enough to hold the contents. Items that won’t fit in garbage cans may be tied in bundles that do not exceed 2 feet by 4 feet and weigh less than 40 pounds. Drain and wrap wet garbage. Do not stuff the garbage can. Garbage must be free flowing. Push lawn mowers and gas weed eaters must be drained of all fluids and you must secure a note to these items identifying them as garbage. Push lawn mowers and weed eaters must be drained of all fluids and broken down as much as possible. Small household items that are not hazardous waste, such as small furniture, two-wheel bikes, blinds, scrap wood or metal, barbecue grills (no propane), can be collected curbside provided they do not exceed 2 feet by 4 feet and 40 pounds. Additionally, a note identifying these items as garbage must be attached to them. Televisions and computer monitors weighing less than 40 pounds may be placed at the curb alongside your household garbage. For televisions weighing more than 40 pounds, please call and schedule a bulk pickup. Fruit from trees is considered garbage not yard waste. Do not mix yard waste or recycling with your garbage. |