What are the ways in which I can pay my water bill?
Click here to view payment options.Who do I call if my water looks dirty?
Call the Utilities Operations Division at (321) 608-5130 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. At other times and on holidays, call (321) 255-4622.Who do I call if I have a water leak at street or water/sewer break or need repair?
Call the Utilities Operations Division at (321) 608-5130 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.How do I get a garbage or recycling cart as a new customer?
Residents of Melbourne call (321) 608-5080 or Waste Management at (321) 723-4455.If you live outside the City limits, call Waste Management at (321) 723-4455.
Who do I call if they missed my trash or recycling pickup?
If you live within the City limits of Melbourne, call (321) 608-5080 or Waste Management at (321) 723-4455.If you live outside the City limits, call Waste Management at (321) 723-4455.
Who do I call to get a pothole fixed?
Call the City's Streets & Stormwater Division at (321) 608-5300, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Who do I call to find out if a property has water and/or sewer service?
Call (321) 608-5106 and ask to speak with the engineering technician, who can determine the service availability.I'm filling my pool or I had a large leak - how can I get a sewer credit?
If you live within the City limits of Melbourne, call the Utility Billing office at (321) 608-7100.If you live outside the City limits, call Brevard Utility Services at (321) 633-2091.
Can I use plastic bags for yard trash?
No, plastic bags are not acceptable. You may set your yard trash out once a week on the designated day in reusable containers such as standard, 32-gallon trash cans. The cans must not exceed 40 gallons' capacity.Place yard trash within four feet of the curb or edge of a street surface, and adjacent to the driveway. Please DO NOT block the use of sidewalks. Place yard trash curbside between 5 p.m. on the day before collection and 6:30 a.m. on collection day.
Yard waste includes grass clippings, tree trimmings, weeds, and leaves. Please DO NOT include other wood, such as lumber. These materials can contaminate the mulch created for recycling. Tree trunks or branches must be less than four feet long, and no heavier than 50 pounds. Branches and palm fronds should be stacked uniformly at the curb for collection on your yard trash day.
How often can I water my lawn?
Click here to view irrigation schedules and restrictions.Who do I call for appliance pick ups?
If you live within the City limits of Melbourne, call (321) 608-5080 or Waste Management at (321) 723-4455.If you live outside the City limits, call Waste Management at (321) 723-4455.
What is the collection schedule for yard trash, garbage, and recycling?
Garbage is collected on Tuesdays and Fridays for properties on the north side of Sarno Road to the northern City limits and on Mondays and Thursdays on the south side of Sarno Road to the southern City limits, including the beachside areas of Melbourne.Recycling collection is on Wednesdays.
Yard waste collection is on Fridays on the north side of Lake Washington Road to the northern City limits, on Tuesdays from the south side of Lake Washington Road to the north side of Sarno Road, on Thursdays from the south side of Sarno Road to the north side of US 192 and including the beachside areas of Melbourne, and on Mondays from the south side US 192 to the southern City limits.
Who do I call for large yard pile pick ups?
If you live within the City limits of Melbourne, call (321) 608-5080 or Waste Management at (321) 723-4455.If you live outside the City limits, call Waste Management at (321) 723-4455.
What do I do with old paint or other used household chemicals?
There is a household hazardous waste collection center at the Sarno Landfill that is open Tuesday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The telephone number is (321) 255-4365.RELATED VIDEO