Thank you for visiting the website for the Public Works Department, located at 1415 Industrial Drive. The department is open between the hours of 7:00 am and 3:30 pm Monday through Friday. Please take time to browse through our website to learn how the services public works provides can enhance your life.
The Public Works Department consists of five operating sections that provide high quality services to the citizens of our community. These sections include: Administration, Fleet Maintenance, Streets Maintenance, Water Division and Wastewater Division. For further information on the specific sections, click the "Sections" links at the top of the page.
The mission of the Public Works Department is to respond to the community needs consistent with the policies determined by the City Council, to maintain a working environment built upon trust, respect and citizen involvement, and to achieve the city's goal of being responsive to resident needs and focusing on customer service. The department is led by Director Jon Schmitt.
Refuse/Recycling Information
Waste Management is the municipal refuse/recycling contractor. Select the following link for recycling, yardwaste, and refuse pickup and rates.
Link: Additional Refuse/Recycling Information
: Recycling Facts
Electronic Waste Recycling Collection
Public Works will host a free Electronic Waste Recycling event on Saturday, May 21st from 9:00AM to Noon at the Public Works facility on Industrial Drive. This program is for City of McHenry residents only. A current city sticker must be displayed on all vehicles entering the site.
Refuse/Recycling Pickup Holiday Schedule
The Waste Management holiday schedule will be observed and collection will be one day behind when the following holidays fall on a weekday: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
Recycling Bins
Just a friendly reminder - recycling totes distributed by Waste Managemet remain the property of the garbage contractor. When moving from a residence in the City of McHenry, the tote must stay at the dwelling for the next owner/renters. Your co-operation in the matter is greatly appreciated.
Link: For Additional Recycling Information Click Here
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
In compliance with the provisions of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, the Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules and Regulations, and the Clean Water Act, the city's NPDES permit and annual facility inspection is publically posted. To review the information, please select the following link:
Stormwater Pollution Solutions:
- Traditional concrete and asphalt don't allow water to soak into the ground. Instead these surfaces rely on storm drains to divert unwanted water. Permeable pavement systems allow rain and snow melt to soak through, decreasing stormwater run off.
- Rain barrels can be installed to collect rain water from rooftops in mosquito proof containers. The water can be used later for lawns or garden areas.
- Specially designed areas with native plants can provide natural places for rain water to collect and soak into the ground.
- Rain from rooftop areas or paved areas can be diverted into these areas rather than into storm drains.
- Another solution is to provide vegetated filter strips which are areas of native grass or plants created along roadways or steams which trap pollutants that stormwater picks up as it flows across driveways and streets.
- New Illinois E-Waste Law
On January 1, 2012, the Illinois Electronic Products Recycling and Reuse Act went into effect. The new law bans certain types of electronics from being disposed in Illinois landfills such as televisions, monitors, computers, laptops, electronic mice, and several other common electronic items you may have in your home. A complete list of electronics banned from landfills is available on the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency website at , or contact the McHenry County Solid Waste Management Program at 815-334-4585 or Waste Management at 800-796-9696.
Waste Management located at 22333 W. Highway 173, Antioch, IL, will accept E-Waste from McHenry residents Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 2:30 PM. For questions about the service, please call 800-796-9696. There is no additional charge for this service.
For more information about the Illinois E-Waste Law, select the following link:
- To contact us or to report a problem...
- Between the hours of 7:00 PM - 3:30 PM, call 815.363.2186. After 3:30 PM, please call the police non-emergency number at 815.363.2200