Waste Management's residential line of services offers our customers weekly curbside solid waste pick-up and every other week curbside recycling pick-up depending on your residential location. Our network of residential customers involves the servicing of single-family homes, mobile home communities, and town homes through municipal contracts, individual subscription services or as part of a Home Owners Association (HOA).
It is Waste Management's goal to be part of every community in which we operate. Our community involvement includes, but is not limited to, supporting community events and programs, memberships with local and regional Chambers of Commerce, participation in neighborhood watch programs, and assisting municipalities with community-wide discounted spring and fall clean-ups. Place your order for service today by contacting us to speak with a member of our sales staff.
Customer Service
Phone: (800)482-6406Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 7:00am-6:00pm Sat 8:00am-noonRELATED VIDEO