If you have questions regarding your trash account, or to set-up or discontinue trash service, please contact Harrison Township at 937-890-5611. If you have any problems with your trash pick up after hours on Friday or on Saturday, please call Rumpke at (937) 461-0004
Pay your trash bill with a credit card or electronic check
Harrison Township accepts credit cards and electronic checks for trash service. You can pay online, in person or over the phone. To pay online, Harrison Township has partnered with Official Payments. Please click the link below and once you have setup an account you can pay your trash bill online.
Residential Trash Removal
Trash removal is provided to Harrison Township residents through a contract between the township and Rumpke of Dayton. The current contract will be in effect through April 30, 2013. Trash collection days are Monday - Friday between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Click on the menu to the left to see your trash pick up day. The following services available:
- Single Curb or Apartment Curb: No limit on the number of plastic bags or cans picked up. Everything must be set no further than 10 feet from the curb or alley, and this location may not be fenced or restricted.
- Single Low Volume or Apartment Low Volume: This service is limited to two containers for regular trash (e.g. 2 plastic bags, 2 32-gallon cans or 1 can and 1 bag).
- Single Carry Out or Apartment Carry Out: Trash containers may be no further than 10 feet from the rear line of the building, nor may they be placed in any enclosures, unless written arrangements are made with the hauler.
- Containerized: This service is used mainly for multiple units and apartments and must be approved by the hauler.
- Toters: These 55-gallon, wheeled containers may be leased by contacting the hauler. For toter rates, please call Rumpke of Dayton at (937) 461-0004.
For residential trash removal rates, please call Harrison Township at (937) 890-5611.
Although this service is not mandatory, we urge residents to recycle in order to lower trash volume. The hauler provides the bins, which are set out with the weekly trash. Items accepted for recycling include newspapers/mixed papers, glass, certain plastics, certain metal containers, polystyrene and polycoated paperboard (e.g. refrigerated juice cartons).
If you do not have a recycling bin at your residence, please call Rumpke of Dayton at (937) 461-0004. (There is no extra charge for this service or the bins)
The following holidays are observed by the hauler: New Year’s Day, Labor Day, July 4th, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. If the holiday falls on or before your collection day (Monday - Friday), service will be delayed by one day for the remainder of that week with Friday residents being serviced on Saturday.
***Please note that if a Holiday falls on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday), the collection day is NOT affected and your trash will be collected on your normal collection day***
Yard Waste Pickup
In Harrison Township you can place your yard waste with your regular trash and it will be picked up on your regular trash day. You no longer have to place the yard waste in a "Harrison Township" bag. However, if you prefer to place your yard waste in a "Harrison Township" bag, you can purchase the bags at the Harrison Township Government Center.