SAN ANTONIO - "Your furniture, your appliances; you have your bicycles, you have your lawnmowers, you have your grills, " said David McCary, director of Solid Waste Management for the City of San Antonio, describing examples of bulky waste.
San Antonio's newly renovated Household Waste and Bulky Waste Collection Center, located at 7030 Culebra Road, near Loop 410, reopened its doors on Tuesday. The center will serve as the main Household Waste Facility (a facility that takes paint, pool chemicals, etc.) as it did before, but will now also function as the city's third bulky waste collection site, complete with new conveniences.
The site will properly dispose of the items or find the best way to recycle them. Meanwhile, the city will still offer its bulky trash pickup days.
"In the event that you can't wait and you want to do it now and the cleanup is here and now, then you can take the time to come here, " said McCary.
The facility will now be open Tuesday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. until noon.
"So you've got five days to discard these materials properly, " said McCary.
It is free to drop off items at the site, since the cost has already been paid for through environmental fees found on ratepayers' CPS Energy bills.
According to District 6 Councilman Ray Lopez, the facility will go a long way toward protecting the environment and combating illegal dumping.