- 3 cubic yard cleanup bins available (small household cleanups).
- 15, 20 and 30 cubic yard roll-off bin available for remodel, construction, landscape tear-out, and large clean ups.
- Discounts offered for debris boxes containing only 'clean recyclables' such as cardboard, glass and appropriate plastics.
- Discounts also offered for debris boxes containing segregated recyclables such as wood, green waste, metal, concrete, and asphalt.
Service Area
Unincorporated areas of Lake County including Riviera West, Riviera Heights, Soda Bay, Kelseyville, unincorporated areas around Lakeport, Scotts Valley, Blue Lakes, Witter Springs, Lake Pillsbury, Upper Lake, Nice, Lucerne, Glenhaven, Clear Lake Oaks and Spring Valley.Garbage Collection
- Use gray cart.
- Weekly. Carts to be placed at curb or road edge.
- Choice of 20, 32, 64 or 96 gallon carts.
- All material must fit inside cart. Lid must close.
- Residents can also purchase pre-paid bags for garbage and put these bags out on the appropriate collection day. These bags are ideal for vacation homes and people that do not generate enough garbage to require regular weekly service. Bags can be purchased at our office located at 230 Soda Bay Road in Lakeport, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
Recycling Collection
- Use blue cart.
- Weekly (same day as garbage service). Carts to be placed at curb or road edge.
- 96 gallon cart provided. All recyclables in same cart.
- Recyclables include newspaper, household paper, magazines, cardboard, food and beverage glass, metal cans, plastic food and beverage containers.

Green Waste Collection
- Use green cart.
- 96 gallon cart provided.
- Green waste includes lawn clippings, leaves, plant material, branches under 4" in diameter, and small unpainted wood pieces.
- All material must fit inside container.
Bulky Item Collection
- Residents can have one (1) bulky item collected twice per year at no charge. Bulky items typically include a piece of furniture or an appliance. A charge for freon removal may be applied for refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners.
- Collection of additional bulky items (beyond the two free collections) can be arranged for a fee.
- For residential customers only.
- 2 to 6 cubic yard bins.
- Serviced weekly or multiple times each week.
- 2 to 6 cubic yard blue bins or 96 gallon carts (carts require Company approval).
- All recyclables in same blue bin or cart.
- Recyclables include newspaper, packaging paper, stationary, catalogs, magazines, cardboard, metal containers, food or beverage glass, plastic containers (no plastic wrap).
Mandatory Recycling for Businesses and Apartments
State recycling regulations require that all businesses generating at least four (4) cubic yards of garbage per week and all multi-family complexes with at least 5 units MUST recycle. This new requirement became effective July 1, 2012.
CalRecycle estimates that 75% percent of landfill waste is generated by the commercial sector, including businesses, schools and apartment complexes. Promoting commercial recycling helps keep recyclable materials out of landfills. This conserves resources, extends the life of landfills and reduces the potential generation of greenhouse gases.
For more information about how these new regulations may apply to you and to learn more about local recycling opportunities call us at (707) 234-6400. To learn more about commercial recycling, click here.
Waste Assessments
We can visit your business to assess your waste stream and determine whether more material can be recycled. We can help you design employee training to maximize recycling. More recycling may result in a reduction in your garbage bill. Call us to schedule an on-site visit.
- Residential customers are billed quarterly. Bills are due and payable within 45 days from date of invoice. Commercial and multifamily customers are billed directly monthly. Bills are due and payable within 45 days from date of invoice. Payments may be made by check, cash or credit card.
- Customers may also choose to drop-off payments at 230 Soda Bay Road in Lakeport, Monday through Saturday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A drop box for payments is located at the front door of the office building which is immediately on the left when entering the premises. Acceptable payments for drop-off include checks, cash or money orders. Online billing is now available in the payments section.
Holiday Schedule
In Lake County, no collections are made on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day or New Year's Day.Oil Recycling
- Residents who change their own motor oil can bring used motor oil and oil filters to the Transfer Station and Recycling Center located at 230 Soda Bay Road (see article below).
Community Education and Outreach
- We are available to make presentations to civic organizations and groups that would like to know more about leading-edge solutions in managing solid waste and maximizing diversion from landfilling.
- We are available for classroom presentations in schools. Our children hold the key to maintaining and developing sustainable waste solutions of the future.
- Give us a call to schedule a presentation.