Toxic trash consists of items that threaten our environment if not handled properly. The most preferable method for handling these items is to use them up entirely, or to share them with someone else who can. Avoid purchasing more of these materials than you can use. Please consider less toxic substitutes as well.
Links to other helpful resources are available at the bottom of this page.
Beginning Jan. 8, 2015, the Clark County Recycling Center will accept household hazardous waste for $1.00 a pound whenever Specialty Recycling is offered. Specialty Recycling occurs every Thursday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the first Saturday of the month, 9 a.m. to noon, except on major holidays. For details on Specialty Recycling, click here. For details on what household hazardous wastes are accepted, see the "HHW Collection" section below.
Down the Drain
The following products can be poured down the drain safely with plenty of water (to dilute and protect skin and eyes). Always read labels to determine if a product will damage your septic system.
- Alcohol-based lotions, aftershaves, perfumes, etc.
- Aluminum cleaners
- Ammonia-based cleaners
- Bathroom cleaners
- Bleach
- Depilatories
- Disinfectants
- Drain cleaners
- Hair permanent lotions / relaxers
- Rust remover (phosphoric acid)
- Toilet bowl cleaner
- Trisodium phosphate (cleaner)
- Tub and tile cleaners
- Water-based glue
- Window cleaners
- Windshield washer fluid
Antifreeze can be safely disposed of in the same manner only if you are on a public sewer system. Antifreeze will damage and contaminate your septic system
In the Trash
The following products cannot be poured down the drain, but can be safely disposed in a sanitary landfill. Be certain the materials are properly packaged or processed before they are put out for collection.
- Aerosol cans (can be recycled when empty)
- Auto body repair products
- Fertilizer (without herbicides)
- Household batteries
- Oven cleaner (lye base)
- Paint strippers (lye base)
- Powdered cleansers
- Shoe polish
HHW Collection
The following products are hazardous wastes that will be accepted on Specialty Recycling days. Keep these materials in their original containers.
- Battery acid
- Bug sprays
- Car wax with solvent
- Cutting oil
- Floor care products
- Fuel
- Fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, rat poison, and weed killer
- Furniture polish
- Glue (solvent based)
- Lighter fluid
- Mercury
- Metal polish with solvents
- Mothballs
- Photographic chemicals (mixed & properly diluted)
- Swimming pool (hydrochloric) acid
- Wood preservatives