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ABSTRACT: The importance of dietary fiber in normal and therapeutic diets has been acknowledged by numerous authors in recent years. Dietary fiber has different physiological effects on human health. The recommended daily intake of dietary fiber is about 30 g, but less than this is often consumed. Wheat bran is an excellent source of dietary fiber and is used to fortify foods. The nutritional benefits of fiber have led to an increase high-fiber bread; however, incorporating wheat bran into dough changes its properties. In this study, digital image analysis was used to measure bran particle size. Both small and large bran samples were prepared. The effect of processed small bran on dough rheology during mixing was determined using a farinograph. Water absorption, dough development time, stability and the valorimetric value of dough containing hydrothermaled bran increased about 1, 15, 50 and 10 %, respectively. The treatment decreased the degree of softening from 120 to 70 BU and increased fiber content 25%. The results indicated a reduction in glutathione content of about 55% in hydrothermaled bran. - [Hide abstract]
ABSTRACT: Student mode and the surrounded environment affect on his credibility and trust. Student's credibility and trust for assigned thermodynamic course was evaluated in two cases; firstly, when he is in higher spirit and secondly, while he is depressed. Investigations were carried out on the Second level students of the agricultural Engineering program of the Faculty of Agriculture, Suez-Canal University, Egypt. The Course assessment was handed to students to rate the Thermodynamic course at the end of the first semester of scholastic year 2010-2011. The Total numbers of the students in this evaluation were 32. The study resulted in incredibility from the students for both approaches. It is unfair to use or accept their opinions to assess course quality assurance.Preview · Article · Jan 2011 · Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research
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Source: www.researchgate.net

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