A definition of biological and agricultural engineering
This is a discipline of engineering that applies engineering principles and the fundamental concepts of biology to agricultural and biological systems and tools, ranging in scale from molecular to ecosystem level, for the safe, efficient and environmentally-sensitive production, processing, and management of agricultural, biological, food, and natural resources systems.
* Definition provided by ASABE American Society of Biological and Agricultural Engineers
The Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering offers various programs designed to prepare students and engineering professionals for productive careers in the biological and agricultural engineering and technology professions. See our Rankings
Offered are two Undergraduate Programs earning B. S. degrees and a Minor program.
The Biological Engineering program is for those who wish to become an engineer. This program provides a solid engineering foundation and is accredited by the Engineering Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD, telephone: (410) 347-7700.
The second B.S. degree program is a technology program in. This program is for those who wish to manage technical applications employed in the agriculture and the environmental areas. The third is an academic minor in Agricultural and Environmental Technology..
In the Graduate Programs students can earn a Masters, MBAE (non-thesis), PhD or choose the Certificate Program. Our graduate program is highly regarded and continues to rank in the top 10 of U.S. colleges for Biological and Agricultural Engineering.
Biological and Agricultural Engineering unlike many other engineering programs offers learners several paths of study focusing on Bioprocessing, Environmental or Agricultural engineering studies. Students are encouraged to adjust electives to focus on areas of specific interest.
Our faculty are known for their personal attention to students. Faculty often involve and challenge students with research and extension problems and projects. The faculty promote student participation in professional development opportunities both on and off campus (conferences, symposiums and pre-professional and professional society programs).
The wide range of job opportunities for Biological and Agricultural Engineers rivals many other types of engineering degrees. This is because of the broad scope of problems that biological and agricultural engineers are uniquely prepared to solve.